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An Independent, Coed, Friends School, Nursery Through Grade 12

MB Musicians Honored with Selection for All-State Ensembles

Congratulations to the Moses Brown Middle and Upper School students who have been accepted into All-State ensembles for the annual All‐State Festival which features exceptional Rhode Island musicians from across the state. The festival is organized by RIMEA (Rhode Island Music Education Association) and will take place in the Spring. In order to be considered for the All-State ensembles each student must go through a rigorous audition process which took place in November; Moses Brown had three students rank either 1 or 2 in their divisions.

Junior Division:

Lucien B. (7th) Trombone, Concert Band

Kavan B. (9th) Tenor Saxophone, Rank 2, Jazz Ensemble

Elliana C. (7th) Violin, Orchestra

Esra E. (9th) Violin, Orchestra

Angel G. (9th) Trumpet, Rank 1, Orchestra

Serafina H. (9th) Violin, Orchestra

Suri J. (8th) Violin, Orchestra

Emily J. (9th) Violin, Orchestra

Kiera N. (7th) Trumpet, Concert Band

Margot P. (7th) Soprano Voice, Treble Chorus

Nathan S. (7th) Trombone, Orchestra

Senior Division:

Theja G. (10th) Oboe, Concert Band

Nithya G, (11th) Flute, Concert Band

Isra J. (10th) Violin, Senior Orchestra

Symone K. (10th) Violin, Senior Orchestra

Ada M.* (10th), Soprano Voice, Treble Chorus and Violin, Orchestra
(*performing with Orchestra)

Christian S. (11th) Clarinet, Concert Band