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An Independent, Coed, Friends School, Nursery Through Grade 12

Parents' Association

The Moses Brown Parents' Association partners with the school to build community and present meaningful events. Our goal is to engage parents and guardians in the vital work and spirit of our school community.

The PA coordinates volunteer support across all divisions and creates opportunities for parents to connect with the greater school community and each other. We provide funding for events and programs which further strengthens our children's Friends education through initiatives such as MBe There (our annual spring fundraising event). 

We look forward to coming together and for your continued support to help enrich the lives of our children.


The Parents'  Association hosts monthly divisional meetings and three all-school meetings throughout the school year. All meetings with details can be found on the MyMB Calendar.

Parents' Association Mission

The purpose of the Association shall be to build community among the families of Moses Brown School, consistent with Friends’ values, by encouraging participation and involvement of parents and guardians, acting as a liaison among parents and guardians, faculty, staff and administration, providing an educational forum for the consideration of issues, challenges and social conditions affecting the school and raising funds for uses consistent with the Association’s goals and responsibilities. The Association is committed to partnering with and supporting Moses Brown School and its leadership to strengthen the community and enhance the educational experience of students.