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An Independent, Coed, Friends School, Nursery Through Grade 12

Moses Brown Fund

Community is one of Moses Brown’s core Quaker values, and the Moses Brown Fund provides an opportunity—every year—for the MB Community to come together and show their support for the life-changing educational experience that MB provides its students. 

The Moses Brown Fund provides critical budgetary resources for every aspect of the MB student experience. Gifts of all sizes from all members of the MB community play a profound role in ensuring that Moses Brown remains a dynamic, innovative, and inspiring school. 

Give Now

Moses Brown Fund donors have the ability to direct their gifts to four foundational aspects of the student experience.

  • Area of Greatest Need: Direct your gift to the area of greatest need gives the school the flexibility to meet the most immediate needs of our students and community as they arise.

  • Academic Excellence: The hallmark of a Moses Brown education–expert teaching and advising in small classes with personal care– and aids the evolution of our curriculum, advancement of instructional technology, and enhancement of interdisciplinary perspectives.
  • Beyond the Classroom:  MB offers a diverse array of co-curricular program that allow students to explore their academic, athletic, artistic, and personal passions while developing character, confidence, and community. 
  • Scholarship:  Make an MB education accessible to deserving students from all socioeconomic backgrounds, you assist in sustaining a robust learning environment that benefits the entire student body.

The Front Circle: MB's Leadership Giving Society

The Front Circle recognizes the members of the Moses Brown community who donate $1,000 or more annually to the Moses Brown Fund as well as other areas of the school.

The Front Circle 
Founder's Society $25,000 and above
Cupola Society $10,000 - $24,999
1784 Society $5,000 - $9,999
Head's Society $2,500 - $4,999
Blue and White Society $1,000 - $2,499

Make a Front Circle Gift 

If you are interested in learning more about how your gift can directly impact students through the Moses Brown Fund, please contact Felicia Glennon.